
Pip and Pop "might" appear in a game. Might because, the game is not really structured. Giving Pop a microphone (which is his weapon) was very hard work. 

The game is going to be musical. But in this game, "Pop" will be doing all of the singing, as inspired by Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure. The game already has a name in mind which is Star of Stars: A Musical Adventure, as inspired by that title. But anyone who knows the original title, it is actually The Puppet Princess of Marl Kingdom

Taking elements from "stars," "zodiacs" and "horoscopes" is more or less the Pip Productions way, only more tame, just the "stars," as reading tarots and astrology" is known to be Satanic to those with brain cells. 

It was quite a surprise to actually render the characters using a special tool online. Never thought they would be rendered within a blink of an eye.

The sprites will be used, regardless. It was the perfect tool to use. If people liked the story, it would probably be re-made. Replacing all the sprites. 

For example, the sprites would only be temporary for the "demo" version. Though they render the characters, it all really matters about the artist behind the render tool. And she seems to be very fussy about people using the tool for their personal creations.

Not that she can stop anyone. She has no power there. Any complaints or w/e would go in the bin, be ignored, specially for "non-profit" works. 

At the end of the day to create a demo, we need to be able to render the characters. And hopefully, if she ever came across this. She would understand.