Final Fantasy VII Remake


Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Rating: ★★★☆☆

Final Fantasy 7 Remake is a remake of the classic 1997 video game Final Fantasy 7. It is a great game but is given a three star rating here because of one major flaw. That major flaw is it isn't a full game, you have to buy the game in parts. 

FF7 was released in 2020, and it was developed by Square Enix. The game was announced in 2015. A few key staff individuals returned, including character developer Tetsuya Nomura. The staff upgraded the characters to adjust authenticity and stylization. While the veteran Japanese Final Fantasy VII voice cast returned for the new portion, the English voices were re-cast. 

So if you want to play this game to the fullest play the Japanese version of the game. To be honest the new English voice cast sound better than the original. So that is also worth playing. 

But if you want originality, play the Japanese audio. 

The game sold over 3.5 million copies within the first three days. Reasons for this was mainly because "as a buyer" we thought it would be a full game as the title was misleading.

Also it seems most blogs and video game review websites were giving false reviews. They were giving it good reviews before even playing the game due to it being nostalgic and making or allowing these individuals live out their childhoods. 

It was announced that the game would be a timed PlayStation 4 exclusive until 2021, with no further details about its release on other platforms. 

And in the future will possibly make its way to the PlayStation 5. 

Since then Square signed a deal with Nintendo to allow the use of Cloud and Sephiroth to appear on the Nintendo Switch. Which is silly as the new FF7 Remake is an only PlayStation exclusive. 

The Super Smash Bros. Ultimate character rosters are quite disappointing. You'd think that they would add like 5 characters from a title into a video game but it is only one or two.

For example it shouldn't just be Cloud, it should also be Yuffie, Tifa, Barret and Aerith.

They have Ryu and Ken, but where is Chun-Li!??? 

See!? Characters are very lacking. 

The deal possibly has more to do with the old FF7 having been ported to the Switch.